Gli Iconoclasti

04 Jan 2025
Dopo mesi riprendo la penna in mano. È un progetto lungo e difficile, non so se avrò le forze per proseguire. Intanto un po' di prove.
Django Day Copenhagen, the video

14 Oct 2024
Finally the video of my talk on Hypermedia Driven Maps, october 4, Django Day Copenhagen.
On the same day a lot of interesting talks were delivered on our favourite framework (but also on other topics):
- Joseph Zammit on combining Django and FastAPI (best of two worlds)
- Raffaella Suardini on her amazing journey in the Djangonaut program
- Michael Nicholson on breaking down a legacy monolith into manageable services (like the title: "From Dinosaurs to Snakes")
- Denny Biasolli on Django migrations, a topic that can easily get out of hand with unpleasant results
- Rosamund Mather on her personal project, mapping all Berlin streets named after women (interesting admin fields)
- Krystof Beuermann on HTMX (give us more!)
- Jonathan Ströbele on the highs and lows of Django when coming from a different background / framework
- Justus Hämäläinen on management commands and how they can simplify complex tasks
- Josef Bakke on the political concerns of the developer's work (with guitar!)
- Six (6!) lightning talks on hacking, accessibility, Djangocon Africa and much more
It was nice to talk with many of the attendants / speakers, especially Fiorella, Damiano and Marijke. Special thanks to Django Danmark (Benjamin, Emil and Víðir) that organized the conference, they where very welcoming and professional.
Django Day Copenhagen

02 Oct 2024
I'm giving a talk in Django Day Copenhagen, October 4! The title is "Hypermedia Driven Maps". Will update during the conference...
Dies Irae

11 Mar 2024
Mors stupebit et natura,
Cum resurget creatura,
Judicanti responsura.

06 Feb 2024
Ho sempre amato il profilo di quest'isola, è impresso sulla retina di chiunque abbia abitato a Napoli, anche se da bambino mi ricordava la Limousine di Paperone (spunto per un altro disegno?). Per Silvia, il giorno del suo compleanno.
Vigilia a Ralún

26 Sep 2023
Vigilia di Natale in un fiordo cileno, 1997. Si prepara la cena.